Other Art Interests

One of my favorite things about being an artist is how broad of a field it is. There are always new skills to unlock and master. It’s hard to choose a favorite medium or even a type of art to focus on when the options are overwhelming. One reason why I created a second channel for art was to give me motivation to practice these other interests.


I have always enjoyed traditional drawing and have experience in realistic portraiture, but also love the versatility digital illustration can bring. While I haven’t worked with illustration professionally, I like to practice it every once in a while.

3D Design

Three-dimensional art fascinates me. In some ways, I find it easier than 2D art, but harder to master. I’ve tried my hand as using Blender to sculpt and model, but don’t always have the time to dedicate to this skill. For now, I look forward for any opportunity to learn more.


I’ve always loved the idea of bringing a design or character to life. I have experience doing motion graphics in After Effects, but have always wanted to learn traditional animation methods. I’ve started to teach myself 2D animation and maybe in the near future, there will be something more substantial to show for my efforts here.

A few frames from my first real animation project that’s in progress. I’m still in the process of learning movement and what will and will not work, but am having lots of fun with it. This is definitely an ambitious first project that I estimate will have a runtime over 4 minutes.

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